Why I Hate It Here
I’m your host, Eric Boggs. Listen along with me as I analyze the things that irritate you & I. By using the power of sarcasm, humor, and cynicism, I'll explain to you Why I Hate It Here...
8 episodes
Dad vs The Drive Through
Dads hate ordering from a drive through. Just ask one...
Season 1
Episode 8

Wrong Number?
New phone, who dis? Let me read you a 2 day text conversation from a mysterious woman named, "Alice."
Season 1
Episode 7

Smoking or Non-Smoking?
The world was RUINED when a ban on public smoking was put into effect. We need first and second hand smoke. I'll tell you why.
Season 1
Episode 5

DEATH: An Inconvience
Someone died - now what? You're inconvenienced, that's what.
Season 1
Episode 6

Let's (not) Go to the Movies
Can a movie ticket, Peanut M&M's & over priced popcorn drive you to the brink of madness? Let's find out...
Season 1
Episode 4

Social Media Mask
Your social media accounts have turned you into a monster. A monster! The average human has no business with this much power at their fingertips. And as usual, people ruin everything...